The Hotel and its restaurant « Best Western L'AUBERGE » is the ideal destination for relaxing and discovering Spa, the thermal bath town. Our beautiful, air conditioned restaurant is open every day, from 12'' to 14'' and from 18'' 30 to 22'' 100 persons can take place there. We spoil with our typical french kitchen and a manifold selection of menu's. All this, into a price level from 12,95 € to 49,00 € per person. Week : Dish of the day at 15,95 € (weekdays), Lunch menu (2 services) at 21,95 € (weekdays), Menu suggestions (3 services) at 36,00 €, Menu Auberge (5 services) at 49,00 €,59,00€ Meals from the menu card 9,80 € to 39,00 €.
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