5&6 August

For 25 years now the fans of Beetles, Combi vans and other bugs would not miss this event for the world. The Bug show has become an institution over the course of the years and thousands come from all over Europe to share their passion.
A parade, processions, most elegant competition, but there are also demonstrations of speed and racing on the programme, and it all takes place in the most convivial of atmospheres. Numerous exhibitors are also expected to join in celebrating this quarter-century.
Info : http://www.vwbugshow.be/en/
Tickets : http://www.ticketstar.be/en
Find us on Facebook & Twitter : @circuitspa
You can also find out about our contest on our Facebook page and on our Twitter account @circuitspa and win places for Overdrive, the latest film directed by Antonio Negret starring Scott Eastwood, produced by Morel, director of Taken and scripted by the screenwriters of 2 Fast 2 Furious and Wanted.
Valid in all Belgian cinemas where the film is being shown. Comes out on 9 August!